Tagged: Health tips

Health with Black Coffee

Your morning cup of joe is doing more than energizing you for the day. It’s also offering your body a host of health benefits
The rate at which you burn calories at rest is called resting metabolic rate (RMR).

The higher your metabolic rate, the easier it is for you to lose weight and the more you can eat without gaining weight.

Interestingly, most of the increase in metabolism is caused by an increase in fat burning.

Unfortunately, the effect is less pronounced in those who are obese.

One study showed that caffeine increased fat burning by as much as 29% in lean people, while the increase was only about 10% in obese individuals.

The effect also appears to decrease with age and is greater in younger individuals.

caffeine can boost the metabolic rate and increase fat burning, but after a while people become tolerant to the effects and it stops working.

But even if coffee doesn’t make you expend more calories in the long term, there is still a possibility that it blunts appetite and helps you eat less.

how coffee can help you to loose weight?

1) Helps suppress your appetite

The number one rule to promote weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in and create a deficit. One way to do so is to mindfully consume lesser carbs, or eat moderate portions and most importantly, cut down mindless junking. Drinking coffee is one way to do so. It has now been scientifically proven that caffeine consumption during the day lowers energy intake and promotes gastric emptying. Put simply, having a cup of coffee before your meals may fill you up and consume a lesser quantity.

2)Boosts your metabolism

Fat loss and weight reduction could also largely depend on how fast or slow your metabolism really is. While there are several natural ways to boost metabolism, coffee is one great uplifter. Recent studies published in the journal of Food Science and Nutrition have established that caffeine, in general, works to balance BMI and efficiently speeding up metabolism. A lot of it could be attributed to the rich antioxidants loaded in it.

3) Filled with antioxidants

Excess caffeine might be bad for us but we must remember that coffee contains rich antioxidant profiles. Antioxidants help crush free radicals (that are responsible for fat accumulation), regeneration of new cells as well as optimum vital functioning. Polyphenols, particularly, present in caffeine, according to experts, are extremely weight-loss friendly.

Benefits of Black Coffee

  • It improves cardiovascular health
    Regular intake of black coffee may lead to an increase in your blood pressure, but this effect diminishes with time.
    studies have shown that drinking one to two cups of black coffee every day can reduce your risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases, including stroke. This means that over time, black coffee gives you a stronger heart. Besides, reducing inflammation in the body.
  • It improves your memory
    Black coffee is known to be great for improving your memory. As we grow older, our cognitive skills get affected, and we are more likely to develop memory-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s diseases.

Drinking black coffee regularly can help combat these by keeping your brain fit and healthy. It keeps your nerves active, thus enhancing brain function.

  • It is good for your liver
    One of the most important black coffee benefits is that it boosts liver health.

Your liver is a vital organ in your body that carries out many functions. You must keep it healthy and black coffee is perfect for that. Regular intake of black coffee has been linked with the prevention of liver cancer, fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis.

Studies have shown that people who consume four cups of black coffee every day have much lower chances of developing any kind of liver disease. This is because the contents of black coffee can help to lower the level of harmful liver enzymes that are found in the blood.

  • It helps you cleanse your stomach
    Coffee is a diuretic beverage, which means that the more you consume, the more often you will urinate.

This means that toxins and bacteria get flushed out from your stomach every time you urinate. This cleanses your stomach and keeps you generally healthy.

  • It may help prevent the risk of developing cancer
    Studies have shown that regular consumption of black coffee may be linked with a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer such as liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.

Coffee is great for reducing inflammation in your body, which helps to prevent tumor development.

  • It is rich in antioxidants
    Many of the health benefits of black coffee are because of its rich antioxidant content.

Strong antioxidants such as Potassium, magnesium, Vitamin B2, B3, and B5, as well as manganese, are found in black coffee.

These Positive effect of coffee comes with some negative effects if consumed in high quantity so anyone who is consuming high quantity of coffee should step back and rethink about dose of coffee they are consuming

Side Effects of Black Coffee

We have discussed the advantages of black coffee and how it helps in weight loss, but is all that good? Does it not have any side effects? Like everything, excessive intake of black coffee does result in side effects, which are discussed below:

  • Too much black coffee releases high levels of stress hormones in your body, which only leads to anxiety and stress. It’s easy to feel jittery when you consume too much caffeine.
  • Too much coffee in your system makes it difficult for your body to absorb minerals from your daily diet, such as iron, calcium, and zinc.
  • Excessive coffee intake can seriously mess up your sleeping routine. It is recommended that you avoid coffee a few hours before bedtime if you want to get a good night’s sleep.
  • Black coffee is rich in caffeine and acid, so excess consumption can lead to acidity in your stomach. You are likely to have cramps and abdominal spasm.

Black Coffee – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How much black coffee should you drink a day?

A. Caffeine, an active ingredient in coffee, is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Coffee’s caffeine content is highly variable, ranging from 50 to over 400 mg per cup. A small home-brewed cup of coffee could provide 50 mg. As a general rule, an average 8-ounce (240-ml) cup of coffee offers around 100 mg of caffeine. Several sources suggest that 400 mg of caffeine per day — the equivalent of 4 cups (945 ml) of coffee a day is safe for most healthy adults.

Q. Can we drink black coffee empty stomach?

A. Caffeine present in coffee may also cause gastrointestinal discomfort by increasing the production of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid). When you are drinking coffee on an empty stomach, this can add more acid in your body. Even decaffeinated coffee can stimulate the production of acid which, on an empty stomach, can be damaging to the lining of the stomach if consumed regularly.

Q. Is Black Coffee Good for Weight Loss?

A: Black coffee has an element called chlorogenic acid, which is known to speed up weight loss. If you consume black coffee after supper or dinner, the presence of chlorogenic acid slows down the production of glucose in the body. Moreover, the production of new fat cells is decreased, meaning fewer calories in the body. Black coffee comprises caffeine that effectively increases metabolic activity and boosts energy levels in our body, promoting weight loss.

Q. Can you drink coffee while pregnant?
A. You can drink coffee while you are pregnant, although it is recommended to limit the amount of caffeine you consume to around 200mg – which is about the equivalent of two mugs of coffee. Drinking more than this while pregnant could increase the risk of miscarriage, or having a baby with a low birth weight. Ultimately, the decision to consume caffeine is up to you, but you can cut down by switching to decaffeinated drinks and having smaller cups of coffee.

Q. Where does coffee come from?
A. Coffee is made from coffee beans, which are grown along the ‘Bean Belt’. This includes countries such as Brazil, Columbia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. Coffee beans are harvested from the coffee tree as cherries, before going through a wet or dry process to ensure the beans are the correct moisture. The beans are then milled before being exported to their destination. From there, beans are roasted, and are sold whole or are ground down to fine or coarse grinds to be sold in shops.

Q. How long does caffeine last in coffee?
A. Caffeine has a half-life of between 4-6 hours. This means that after the first half hour that is takes for coffee to kick in, the amount of caffeine in your system will cut in half after about 5 hours. This is why people often feel the need for a second cup of coffee during the day, as the caffeine amount has dropped significantly over the past few hours. If you are a smoker, the half-life of coffee is only 3 hours.

Q. How many cups of coffee is it safe to drink a day?
A. On average, the regular person is safe drinking 3-5 cups of coffee a day. Ultimately, its up to you to understand how your body responds to coffee, and to judge when you shouldn’t have any more. If you respond well to large amounts of caffeine, and don’t become jittery or get stomach pain, then you can drink what you want, but if you know that drinking lots of coffee keeps you up at night and leads to headaches in the morning, cut down to 3 cups a day. Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee a day has been linked to a raise in cholesterol, so if you’re a heavy coffee drinker sticking to 5 is the recommended amount.

Q. Why does coffee make me feel tired?
A. Coffee is best known for it’s high levels of natural caffeine – so why does it leave some of us feeling tired? There are a variety of reasons that caffeine affects you differently to how it affects others. One reason, for example, could be that drinking coffee for so long has meant that you have formed a mild tolerance, so the caffeine kick you expect is lacking. Another reason could be due to coffee’s properties as a diuretic – you may be dehydrated, and by the time the caffeine has worn off, you may be feeling more tired than usual.